Planning Ahead

You wouldn’t believe the number of unpublished drafts I’ve got stacked up, waiting for their time.  I thought a post lining up some of my goals for Cheepie next year might help me sift through them and make something like a schedule that I could follow.  God knows the ‘post the deals once a week when I feel like it’ plan pretty much let things go to pot!

Remember when I did the meal plan for each week, and posted it and gave myself imaginary points on how ‘good’ I did for each day’s dinners? Yeah, we’re not doing that again. That was harsh!  There are many topics I would like to get more work done on, so I’m going to get them down in this post.  See one you like? Let me know, so I can bump it up on the priority list.  Got a suggestion? Share away–I’m open to thoughts on this.

  • Store Reviews by locationAcbryz9Ki
  • Super-cheap dinners based on the sales
  • Unit Pricing
  • Happy Hours deals that can be a dinner out
  • Farmers Markets / Alternate grocery sources


My hope is to have the ad roundup posted each week, and then pick one of the other topics to post about as well.  I’ve had a cabbage/potato/onion cheap weekday dinner post hanging around waiting for a photo for so long!  I’ve taken so many unit pricing disaster photos, but haven’t shared them yet.  Then there’s my personal ranking of stores, which I remember every time I try to leave the Brodie HEB.  

I think 2019 is going to be a great year for Cheepie, and I hope you stick around and find it useful!



Favorite Food Moments, 2018 Version

Here are some of the interesting, funny, and just plain weird grocery moments from my year. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2019 for all of us.!

Turns out I do like making Mac and cheese in the Instant Pot, because skipping the straining step makes it simpler for kids to do!

Fried Munster cheese. Why is this not done more often?


2018’s drink was the Moscow Mule. Applications being accepted for 2019.


Beets. I didn’t see it coming, but this year was the one where I became a beet-lover.


Still laugh whenever I think of this.


This one banana, ticked at the world.


These were just the prettiest, sweetest figs.


Gluten-free Brazilian cheese bread, so much cheaper when home-made!


Throwback packaging with futuristic pricing. $1 more per can!


Who decided this? They were wrong.


I can’t even remember what flavor this was because it is so unrelentingly gray.


Three pounds of boil-in-a-bag goulash. Who buys this? I mean, I think it’s boil-in-a-bag. The label can’t be the only boilable part, right?


I know who buys this.


$10 for baking spray is too much. Even if it is duck fat. Also: I feel like this would clog.


Cheese Glut 2: Electric Boogaloo.


This was just next to the register when I went to quickiemart for coffee. There were different flavors. It was tough to cope.


My favorite, a Christmas gift of cheese!


I finally got my coffee routine, bean, and gear all sorted out this year. Whew.


Fiesta, I love you.


Tiny donuts…or are they?

I came up with three ways to cook this giant daikon radish. I’m very, very sure I do not like daikon radishes.

I have read a lot of grocery circulars. Probably more than anyone not actively involved in their production. This wins them all.

Thanks to everyone that has supported me over the years. I hope 2019 is a blessing to everyone that reads this. Be well, Cheepsters!