Sprouts Coupon

You know me, I don’t do the coupons. But if you’re not on the mailing list, you will miss this, so I’m sharing. 

I just called, and it’s perfectly fine to use on items that are on sale this week, or on a Manager’s Special, or on the clearance rack (!), according to the person I spoke to at South Lamar.  So if you need to stock up on something they’ve got on sale, bonus time!

I’m really hoping to get the ad roundup posted this week–I know I’ve been slacking.  Hopefully you know how to boil water and didn’t need me there to tell you to not freak out and buy eleventy million cans of LaCroix because you forgot how to work a pot, and I’ll give you a list of stuff to buy and cook with a minimum of SFW (Scary Flood Water).

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You should just be able to show this on your phone and get the discount, so find some great deals and get the extra discount! Cheep cheep!